Tim's Rail Trails Links
Years ago, railroads crisscrossed our nation.
They were the major and often only mode of transportation throughout the
country. Most are now abandoned. Many are in a total state of disrepair,
and slowly rotting away. Luckily, many folks have realized the potential
of these corridors. The Rails-to-Trails movement has been working hard
to convert several of these into public access paths for walking, biking,
hiking, skiing, snowmobiling, etc.
Mink's Massachusetts Bikeways Page
of New Hampshire Vermont
and Maine
of the White Mountain National Forest some 26 separate Rail-Trails
Karl's Excellent page of links and info about public transpo in Northern
New England
Rail-Trails of the Northeast, a guidebook

My other pages:
Page created and updated by Tim
Driskell; February 1999 (page
me here; ICQ# 20756120)
(unintentional errors are
likely on this page. Some links die or relocate over time)