Cow moose and two young'un on the trail at Baxter. She
*almost* mauled Dann the night before! Never seen Dann so scared
in all my life!!
Summit of Pamola, five minutes before lightning almost killed
us all! Everyone's hair was standing strait up! A bolt a hundred
meters away lifted us into the air. Nearly bought the farm.
First part of "Knife Edge" (2000 foot drop on both sides;
trail 3 feet wide in places!) Pamola summit in background, halfway
between Ricky and Dann. Next day we Dudley Ridge up Pamola (up left
ridgeline), almost blasted by lightning in big thunder/hail-storm during
lunch on summit.
Hugh blazer our last night! Heavy rain, so we went
around and invited the entire campsite to join us. Hauled many logs
back to camp. Very wild night! (Rick slept
on picnic table)